The Committee will consider supporting other interest / activity groups.
One of the principal features of a Probus club is the address by a good speaker at the monthly general meetings. The role of the organiser of the speaker program is to arrange a balanced collection of informed speakers for the year.
The duration of the address is around 40 minutes, with up to 10 minutes for questions. Speakers are volunteers and receive a token certificate in appreciation
The Guest Speaking Officer is an active member of the Management Committee.
The role of the Outings Officer is to organise outings/ excursions for Members. He or she also organises dining out activities at local venues.
Two regular activities are the Christmas party taking the place of the December monthly meeting, and the Clubs birthday mid-year.
The broad role of the Outings Officer is to promote the social activities of the Club. He or she is always on the lookout for any activity that might be arranged that will encourage greater participation by members of the Club.
This Officer is an active member of the Management Committee
Role of the Liaison Officer is to promote the social character of the Club. He or she is always on the lookout for any activity that might be arranged that will encourage greater participation by members of the Clubs to organise The Liaison officer invites and hosts visitors from other clubs to our general meetings.
Arranges meeter and greeters at meetings.This Officer is an active member of the Management Committee
The fourth Thursday of the month is allocated to the the monthly Walk. Often the strolls are not strenuous, but at other times it might include tramping along bush tracks, frequently with outstanding views along the way.
All walks offer the chance to join fellow members for a while, and find out what their interests are. Walks are one of the best ways for fulfilling the social side of the Clubs objectives.